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TxQuery, source code 1.75

TxQuery, source code 1.75

TxQuery, source code Publisher's Description

TxQuery is an SQL engine implemented in a TDataSet descendant component, that can parse SQL syntax, and that will use that syntax to query to another TDataSet, or a group of TDatasets in order to get a result set. Works very similar to TQuery that comes with Delphi. The main difference rely on the fact that TxQuery dataset can query to any TDataSet descendant component, and that way, can be used with BDE alternatives that don't implement the SQL language. You can query a TTable, a TQuery, TADODataSet, TADOTable TFFTable, THalcyonDataSet, or any other dataset descendant component, including Text and Memory datasets. The syntax supported can easily be extended by means of adding new functions that will be used in SQL statements. That way, you are adding new SQL language functionality with powerful new functions that will be solved with very fast Delphi code, with events. The SQL syntax supported by TxQuery is more like Local SQL supported in Delphi and is a subset of SQL-92 specification (like Local SQL). TxQuery implement some additional features, like more functions, or the ability to add your own functions that will be used in SQL syntax, without changing the source code (with properties and events). Also, one of this features, is the TRANSFORM...PIVOT powerful syntax, ala Microsoft Access that will let you create crosstab queries for presenting information in a spreadsheet format. TxQuery is written entirely with Delphi 100% source code. You don't need any extra DLLs. Source is compatible and tested with Delphi 3, Delphi 4 and Delphi 5. Beside all TxQuery features, also include the TSyntaxHighlighter component. This component will highlight in a TRichEdit control, and with different colors, all elements that build a SQL statement: reserved words, identifiers, tables, fields, strings, dates, numbers, etc

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